
BV Factory Replica Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Black

We already back from holiday, most watch factories now accept orders, maybe you need to wait for several days because too many orders placed during the holiday and still not shipped out from the factory. In 2023, I do not expect big actions from the factories, just improving their existing watches, for example, Clean continues to do updating work on their Daytona and GMT-Master II, Z Factory really needs to improve the quality of the clasp of Overseas 4500V, because the locking teeth of the clasp is easy to be broken if the wearer uses a great force to open it. Well, I also hope that Z Factory won’t sell their new products at very expensive prices. I do not want more factories to participate in the production of Rolex replicas because there are too many now, if more, this will confuse us. Every watch manufacturer should be honest, do not say yours are the best ones if we can easily find obvious flaws, if the quality of your watches really good, you will get a lot of clients.

Today, I want to introduce you guys a timepiece that looks different, having seen a lot of news and new Rolex replica watches in recent months, this irregular Bvlgari Octo replica watch will give you a new fresh feeling, few people talking about Bvlgari watches in our market, more people concern about its jewelries, absolutely there are top quality clones of ladies Bvlgari watches in our market, but if a man want to choose a Bvlgari as his first replica, I think there are only several options. And this Bvlgari Octo is really a good replica, it is made by BV factory, which has been manufacturing good replicas of Bvlgari for years.

The watch has a case diameter of 41mm, but it looks big, perhaps its angular case gives me this wrong impression. The case, bezel and bracelet have a very similar design style, they are perfectly integrated into this timepiece, which also looks like a mens bracelet because it is ultra thin, only about 9mm. BV factory, guess from its name, you will know it is famous for making good quality Bvlgari replica watches. It is not easy to make this replica well because there are too many corners on the case, bezel and bracelet, the finish on the replica is fine, can not say it is first-class finish, but the finish absolutely meets its price, which is not high. I can feel its smooth edge and corner on the case, being polished very well. The case is made with 316L stainless steel, not Titanium although it looks a little dark, the bracelet uses brushing and polishing alternately on the links, thanks to the micro-rotor movement, so the watch can be kept under a certain thickness, which is much acceptable. By the way, the movement has been modified to outlook of BVL 138 Calibre.

Other factories won’t make this replica watch, I do hope Z factory can make it but need to sell at a price close to that of BV, but that’s impossible, Z factory indeed has a better case finish. However, no one will consider this Bvlgari Octo any more if its price goes up again.

By the way, BV factory offers black, white and gray dial color options for this watch, and there is also a rose gold model available.

Replica Bvlgari Octo Finissimo
Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Crystal
Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Crown
Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Case
Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Movement
Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Bracelet

BV Factory Replica Bvlgari Serpenti Diamond Watch with ETA Quartz Movement

Replica Bvlgari Serpenti Diamond Watch

BV is a very famous factory here, not all people know this factory because they do not make replicas of popular brands such as Rolex, Panerai, Omega, etc., as I know, the most famous replica watch BV makes is Cartier Santos, and the price is also very high, seldom people buy watches from BV, but I have to admit their quality is very good, during this raid, BV is not affected, so they can still offer watches for us.

Replica Bvlgari Serpenti Seduttori Watch
Replica Bvlgari Serpenti Lady Watch

Today, I want to show you a ladies watch here, it is from Bvlgari, made by BV factory, in full stainless steel and with diamonds. The replica watch is Bvlgari’s famous Serpenti model, a lot of ladies love its snake-chain bracelet, while this one does not use traditional snake chain bracelet of Serpenti. With a small size and diamonds design in bezel, this watch is a perfect gift for women.

Bvlgari Serpenti White Dial

It is a ladies watch with a quartz movement, however, the price is not cheap, instead, it is sold at a very expensive price, almost up to 500 USD on every dealer’s website. Why BV factory sells this quartz watch at such a high price, the main reason I think lies in its movement, although it is a quartz, it is Swiss imported, the real ETA quartz, which is long-lasting than common quartz. And the replica made by BV also has a great finish. For this Bvlgari Serpenti, if you really love it, my suggestion is taking this replica, it is not necessary to spend more money on a genuine watch.

Bvlgari Serpenti Crown
Bvlgari Serpenti Case

The bracelet looks very distinctive, although having abandoned the traditional snake-chain design, it is still related to because every link on the bracelet looks like the scale on snake, so we can still call that snake chain, and the case is like snake’s head.

Bvlgari Serpenti Case Back

V6 now is closed, so Cartier Ballon Bleu currently is not available, if you are seeking for high quality watches for women, GF and BV are both trusted sources.

Bvlgari Serpenti Bracelet
Bvlgari Serpenti Wrist Shot