For some people who do not have an enough budget but want to buy a good quality casual watch, Nomos is a great choice, this brand is from Germany and has a very reliable quality, the price is also not high. Simple design and high readability are two biggest features of Nomos. In our watch market, few factories are making the replicas of Nomos, as far as I know, only two factories make replica Nomos watches, one if GP, the other is NS. I posted article reviews about Nomos on my blog before, some readers were instrested in the watch and asked my price, but before, many models produced by GP factory were out of stock, today, I want to show you guys some Nomos Tangomat 601 watches from NS factory, they look really good, please check the photos below. By the way, I do not suggest you buy a Nomos replica watch, because its price is very close to that of a genuine Nomos, why not save money and buy a genuine?