It seems like ZF is very strong and was not affected by recent raiding, other factories like XF, VS and V6 are ready to open, while there is still no news of Noob, we do not know when it will be back to us. Whatever, hope they can handle everything and continue to bring amazing watches to us.

I never sold any Franck Muller replicas before, no customers want them, they do not look cool to me, except the Vanguard in black carbon outlook. I do not like Franck Muller, but it does not mean that there are no good replicas of it, in our market, there are some very good quality replicas of Franck Muller made by ZF, 8848F or other factories, the watch is also the one that can fit my hand perfectly, while its dial design is not my favor, the dial design and its color make it like a toy watch.

This Franck Muller replica watch I am talking today is from ZF, it is a high quality replica, also the 1:1 we know. From ZF, you do not need to worry about its quality. The case exactly has a 1:1 dimension as genuine watch, 44mm*54mm, it looks like having a big size, but the case can fit your wrist perfectly because of its arc-shaped design that meets ergonomic design principle, the case is not thick, so totally the watch is very comfortable to wear.

The exaggerated dial design is the biggest personality of this Franck Muller watch, big Arabic numeral hour markers almost occupy the entire dial, they have silver edge, while center has white coating, but not luminous, the small square next to each numeral marker has luminous coating and can emit green light in dark, just like central hour and minute hands. Although the dial is well made, it still can not be compared with genuine, because you find find the difference betweent it and the genuine if you observe the corner and proportion of each Arabic marker, they are slightly different from genuine. Well, such dial with multi-levels and so many elements is hard to be 1:1 replicated from original.

At last, the Japanese Miyota 9015 automatic movement also adds points to this replica watch.