
Clean Factory Replica Rolex Daytona+RB Meteorite Dial+Platinum Plating

For the best super clone Daytona in the market, I only recommend Clean factory, and then APS and QF make some good quality replicas of Daytona with increased weight, however, the Daytona replicas from other watch makers can not be compared with the ones from Clean, Clean version indeed has better finish and details. Custom-made replicas are very popular in the market, there are a lot of dealers offering custom-made service, prices are also different. Look at the pictures below, this is a Daytona with meteorite dial, Clean factory originally does not have this watch, but if you want to buy, you can get one from Guangzhou.

I got one Daytona from Clean factory, the one with grey dial and black rubber strap, this Daytona from Clean is very popular and sold at a high price, to do a customization, I also ordered one meteorite dial from RB, the dial fits the Clean Daytona perfectly, it seems like the most popular meteorite dial is coming from RB, which only offers watch parts. After replacing the dial with a meteorite one, I also did another work on the replica, which is a platinum coating on the case, so the inner material of the case is 904L stainless steel, and the outer side is thick platinum. For person who wants a perfect clone with unique look, this is really nice. By the way, you need to find the right person who can offer you the correct custom-made service, several watch makers are offering this grey Daytona with different quality, be careful.

Clean Daytona Grey
Clean Replica Rolex Daytona Meteorite Ceramic
Clean Replica Rolex Daytona Meteorite
Clean Replica Rolex Daytona Meteorite Dial
Clean Replica Rolex Daytona Crystal
Replica Rolex Daytona Meteorite Dial
Replica Rolex Daytona Meteorite Case
Replica Rolex Daytona Meteorite Case Back

Q Factory Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans Gold

More and more people are interested in the replica watch of Rolex Daytona Le Mans, two models available, one stainless steel, the other is golden, both are beautiful, actually both have super clones in our market. Currently Clean factory does not make any Daytona replicas with see-through back, and it seems like they do not have a plan to make one, although as far as I know some people are expecting this, or they heard a rumor from someone else that Clean is going to make, but Clean has not released new models for a long time, perhaps they are afraid, the situation in the market is not good, the last raid still continue, but VS factory is still publishing new replicas from time to time.

This golden Le Mans Daytona replica Rolex watch, I do not know if APS makes it because APS factory has the stainless steel one. If you want the best Daytona replica with a see-through back, now I only recommend Q Factory, besides this golden Le Mans Daytona, they also have the ice blue model with crystal back. For this golden Daytona, Q Factory has two versions, one with a regular weight, the other has an gain weight, whose price is also much higher. Both versions are equipped with Shanghai 4132 movement, which is modified on the basis of Shanghai 4131, on the plate of the movement, you can clearly see the engraving of “4132”.

Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans Gold Watch

APS Factory Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans

This is also a Daytona with crystal back, a very popular model many people are interested in. In this year, QF has published the replicas of the stainless steel model and golden model, now APS factory just announced that they also make it, but currently APS only has this stainless steel one in stock. Both APS and QF use Shanghai 4132 movement in the watch, actually it is Shanghai 4131, they just changed the name engraved on the movement plate, however, this is the only clone 4132 movement you can find in this industry, Clean and BT do not have it. And only APS and QF make the replicas of the Le Mans Daytona. I also confirmed that QF has the increased weight version of the replica Le Mans Daytona, APS does not have. QF has been specilized in manufacturing replicas of increased weight Daytona for years, we hope they can find a better solution to increase the weight but not affect the polishing of the watch.

Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans
Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans 4132
Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans Ceramic
Replica Rolex Daytona Le Mans Black
Rolex Daytona Le Mans Crown
Rolex Daytona Le Mans Case Back
Rolex Daytona Le Mans Bracelet
Rolex Daytona Le Mans Clasp

BT Factory Replica Rolex Daytona 126500 with Dandong 4131 Movement

Before introducing this replica watch, I want you to know one thing in our market, that is EW factory is closed and it seems like they will not be back in a short period, this is a big loss for you guys, because EW factory always provided good quality replica Rolex watches at affordable prices in the past, their famous Oyster Perpetual Rolex with tiffany dial color is even more popular than the one made by VS and Clean, now, they are gone, hope EW can solve things correctly and back to us immediately.

The hottest news in recent days is all about the Daytona 126500, BT and VS published the Daytona 126500 with Dandong 4131 movement one after the other, one month ago, BT sold their Daytona replicas at special prices, I thought they will stop the production of Daytona, but I was wrong, now they are producing the new 126500 Daytona replicas and just published the black and white one.

About the replicas of the new Daytona 126500, currently a lot of factories make, including AR+, QF, ZF, Clean, BT and VS, AR+ is the earliest factory that makes the replica 126500 Daytona, I do not know why people do not buy Rolex from AR+, they are not popular. Among those watch makers, if you want to buy the best 126500 Daytona replica, just go with these three factories, they are Clean, BT and VS.

About the movement inside the BT Daytona, it is Dandong 4131, which is the same as the one used by VS Daytona, some people said this Dandong 4131 movement is only used by VS factory, that’s not true, by the way, this Dandong 4131 is not as good as the Dandong 4130 used in the Daytona 116500. For the purchase of new Daytona 126500 replica, my advice is waiting, do not buy from VS, if you need one, Clean is the first choice, then BT.

Replica Rolex Daytona 126500 White
Replica Rolex Daytona 126500 Black

Some vintage Rolex from SN factory

Some people love vintage Rolex, but there are very few watch makers in our market that produce replicas of vintage Rolex watches, and I have no recommendations of good quality vintage Rolex for you, these ones made by any factories in the market are middle quality, even though, a lot of people still have shown their interest. Vintage Rolex is one of my favorite watches, sometimes I was thinking if it is possible to make some high quality replicas of vintage Rolex watches by myself, if I start this project, any one will be interested in buying? Or I want to ask which is the most popular vintage Rolex watch, I just want to make one in the beginning. Any of you guys are interested in my project?

Although the replicas of these vintage Rolex watches are in middle quality, they are still being sold very well. I know two watch makers of these vintage Rolex, one is JK, the other is SN, watches made by both have the similar quality. The videos and pictures I upload below show some vintage Rolex coming from SN factory.

In the first video, it is a vintage Submariner, with Tiffany & Co. printings, not a pure vintage Rolex, I do not like it, but the watch has a Sea-gull 2824 movement inside, which is very reliable.

The watch in the second video is a blue Tudor watch, while with a printing of “SUBMARINER”, date font is red, the watch also uses Sea-gull 2824 automatic movement.

The third watch is a vintage Rolex GMT-Master with blue/red bezel, made by BP factory.

Now, it comes to the most popular vintage Rolex, the Daytona Paul Newman, on my blog, one of my earliest posts is about the replica of Rolex Daytona Paul Newman, many people left comments. The watch has a working chronograph, it is driven by a hand-wound mechanical movement.

This Daytona Paul Newman does not have screws on the two chrono buttons.

Replica Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White
SN Factory Replica Rolex Paul Newman
Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White Dial Replica
Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White Case
Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White Crown
Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White Case Back
Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White Clasp
Rolex Daytona Paul Newman White Dial Lume

Clean Factory Replica Rolex Daytona 116506 Ice Blue with Super Clone 4130 Movement

Finally Clean factory published this Daytona replica watch, the ice blue version they made before was the one with diamond hour markers. Some people said this 116506 ice blue Daytona has already been available from Clean since the December of 2023, Clean only produced a dozen every time and offered to a specific dealer who has a sales network abroad. Now, every one can order this Daytona from Clean.

Before Clean, there are another two factories that have made the replica of this Daytona, one is BT, the other is New Noob, which is a studio opened by a relative of previous Noob. Perhaps many people will go for Clean version, but the one made by BT is also a very good one, I can not see which one is better because both use the same movement. But they are much better than the one from New Noob factory. I just got the watch from Clean and has not compared it with the one made by BT, I will do a comparison review in future. However, the dial finish, especially the sunray blasting finish on the Clean is indeed better than BT, I am sure of this, in super clone Rolex, the dial finish of Clean is the best. But if you ask me which one has a better ice blue color that is closer to genuine, I do not know, perhaps both have slight color difference, that’s normal. Buying this Daytona replica watch from BT factory is also a good choice, they just lowered down the prices of all Daytona models several weeks ago. BT can not compete with Clean in super clone Daytona, so they reduced the prices, that’s not a good action, they can not beat Clean in this way.

The replica is equipped with a super clone 4130 movement, which has been used for many years and is the most successful movement used in super clone watches. The movement stability has surpassed almost all other automatic movements used in replica Rolex watches. You can use the chronograph feature of the watch boldly without worrying any movement issues caused. Hope Clean can produce the new ice blue Daytona watch with crystal back soon.

Replica Rolex Daytona 116506
Clean Replica Rolex 116506
Replica Rolex Daytona 116506 Ice Blue
Rolex Daytona 116506 Brown Bezel
Rolex Daytona 116506 Crown
Rolex Daytona 116506 Ice Blue Dial
Rolex Daytona 116506 Case
Rolex Daytona 116506 Bracelet
Rolex Daytona 116506 Clasp

Clean Factory Replica Rolex Daytona 126519LN with Shanghai 4131 Movement

The Daytona with grey dial and black rubber band must be one of the best-selling replica Rolex in the past years, and several factories have published the replica, among them, the most popular manufacturers are BT and Clean, later, at the end of 2023, both APS and Gold Factory unveiled the increased weight version of the grey Daytona. Now, we hear little information about the increased weight version of replica Rolex, it seems like few people are interested in it, and more of them are still going to buy the regular version, especially the grey Daytona from Clean, which is the hottest model. I thought Clean will also make the increased weight version of Daytona in 2024, but it seems unnecessary now.

After our new year holiday, Clean factory brought us a surprise, that is the release of the new Daytona 126519LN replica, actually I am looking forward to a bigger surprise, which is the release of the ice blue Daytona with see-through crystal back, but Clean won’t make it in a short period. This time, Clean published four new Daytona models, but I like the 126519LN grey Daytona more, the changed designs do not look that weird on this grey Daytona.

I learn that most watch fans do not like the designs on the new Daytonas, I also do not like the longer and more pointed hour markers, I think this design ruins the overall beauty of the dial. If you still like the old 116519LN, just buy from Clean quickly, because there is a rumor in our market, which is Clean is considering to replace the Dandong 4130 with Shanghai 4130 in their Daytona, I do not know why.

On this grey Daytona 126519LN, the finish on the dial is very fine, every one likes to compare the quality of Rolex between Clean and VS, I think the dial finish is much better on Clean Rolex. Currently the competitor BT factory still has not published the 12xxxx series Daytona, it is a wise choice not to produce now, because many people do not like the new Daytona, and we still do not know if the Shanghai 4131 movement is stable. The Shanghai 4131 is based on Shanghai 4130, it just has a different decoration on the movement plates and auto rotor that looks more beautiful than Shanghai 4130 and Dandong 4130. Is the new Daytona 126519LN worth buying? My opinion is just waiting, but Clean won’t improve it and publish the V2 edition in a short period. I hope BT can produce the ice blue Daytona with see-through crystal back, this is the only chance for them to beat Clean in Rolex replica field.

Replica Rolex Daytona 126519LN

About new Daytona 126500

Are there many people who are interested in the new Daytona 126500 published by Rolex? Some changes have been made by Rolex on the new Daytona 126500, you can notice the subtle differences on the bezel and dial between 116500 and 126500, compared with the 126500, I still like the old version 116500 more. And about the replica Daytona 126500, are there super clones? I do not think so.

Now ZF and AR+ make good quality replicas of Daytona 126500, but both are not super clones. I already introduced the 126500 from ZF in another review, I did not recommend it. How about the one made by AR+? I still do not suggest you buy from AR+, because the movement is not good. AR+ claimed that their Daytona 126500 replica uses Dandong 4131 movement, but this type of Dandong 4131 is actually not a super clone movement, it is based on Dandong 4801 and added with extra movement plates, this movement is unidirectional winding and not as good as Dandong 4130, however, AR+ still sells this Daytona at a high price, this is not acceptable.

Just a few days ago, Clean factory announced the release of their replica Daytona 126500, with Shanghai 4131 movement, and the replica will be soon in stock. How about the Daytona 126500 from Clean? Please check the pictures below, I will make a detailed review after getting one and taking more photos. One thing I do not understand is why Clean turns to use Shanghai 4131 movement in the new Daytona. My first impression about Clean 126500 is it is much better than ZF version, the movement needs time to be tested.

By the way, our new year holiday just ended, some watch facotories have been back to business, such as ZF, VS, PPF, 3K, BT, the shipping company also back to work now, you can place your orders.

Clean 126500 Replica
Shanghai 4131 Movement

AR+ Factory Replica Rolex Daytona 126500

126500 is a new Daytona model published by Rolex in 2023, now in our market, the best-selling replica Rolex Daytona is 116500 made by Clean factory. About replica 126500, only ZF made it, I introduced the replica 126500 from ZF before, and currently I do not suggest you buy this new watch from ZF, because there are too many flaws. Just in this weekend, I got a new replica 126500 from another factory that is called AR+, it is better than the one from ZF.

ZF made a wrong case shape, wrong subdials and installed a Shanghai 4130 movement in 126500, now on this new one from AR+ factory, these details have been corrected.

We know AR factory, it was very popular before, unfortunately it has been closed for years, now in our market, there are new names like ARF and this AR+, they are not the original AR factory we heard before, is there any connection between them? I do not think so. I guess some small team that wants to make money opened a a studio and assembled these watches, use previous AR name for easy sell.

On this new 126500 replica from AR+, the case shape is correct, but the case is still too thick, about 12.3mm, genuine 126500 is about 11.9mm. I checked the watch, the crystal is a little thick that increases the case thickness. There is flaw on the crown, which is the shape of the three small dots. The movement, we can clearly see the engravings from the pictures below, there is “4131”, it is said the movement in the replica comes from Dandong, we call it Dandong 4131, but there is a great noise when I shaking the rotor, Dandong 4130 equipped in replica 116500 does not have that big noise.

For this 126500 replica from AR+, do not put your trigger so quickly, please be patient and wait, this Dandong 4131 still has not been tested.

Replica Rolex Daytona 126500
Replica Rolex Daytona 126500 4131
Replica Rolex Daytona 126500 White
Replica Rolex Daytona 126500 Ceramic
Rolex Daytona 126500 Bezel
Rolex Daytona 126500 Crown
Rolex Daytona 126500 Case Back
Rolex Daytona 126500 Bracelet
Rolex Daytona 126500 Clasp
Rolex Daytona 126500 4131 Movement

ZF Daytona?

I have not heard the news about APS Daytona for a long time since they released the Daytona last time, well, APS factory has succeeded in AP, but they failed in their Daytona project, no one bought. Just two or three days ago, Z factory announced that they will publish Daytona soon, and now their Daytona comes out, 116500, including the white and black model.

I do not think Z factory will get a success in this project, they will fail again, just like their Submariner in the past. You may still remember that Z factory made Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV before, after the closing of Noob, then Z factory started to make replicas of the Submariner, they thought many people would have bought their Submariner replicas, because Noob has been closed for a period at that time, and as a big factory, ZF has the same popularity as Noob in the market, but customers did not buy their Submariner even they lowered down the prices next, now, Z factory is still selling their Submariner at a special price, few people are interested in.

Well, I think their Daytona will have the same result as the Submariner. First, people now have a high recognition on the Daytona made by Clean factory, even though their Daytona watches are the most expensive, but still often sold out, and people usually need to wait for some days after placing the order. Second, besides Clean Daytona, we still have another good option, which is BT Daytona, whose quality is also super, I do not think the quality of ZF Daytona can catch up with that of BT Daytona. I got the two Daytona from ZF today and compared them with Clean’s, found the hour markers are not polished as good as Clean’s, so, even ZF will sell at a cheaper price, but I do not think our customers will buy them. Unless they improve the dial details and update the finish on the case and bracelet to the quality level on previous ARF Daytona, then they can gain some customers.

ZF Daytona