For you who are looking for a super clone, I do not recommend this watch.
Richard Mille replica watches have been more popular in recent years than before, they are very important products in this industry for us to witness the great progress the replica watch-making technology has been made in these years. Compared with the quality of the RM replicas made nowadays, those ones in the past can not be called super clones. Do you still remember KV? It is the first manufacturer that made these RM replicas in the past, now their RM can only belong to middle quality level, like this RM27-05 I show below, it is also a middle quality replica, after watching the video, it even looks like a toy.
This RM27-05 from RM does not have a tourbillon movement although the genuine watch has one. The whole watch weighs about 37 grams, very light, it has a beautiful look, a more beautiful and attractive design than that of other RMs I saw before, but no-tourbillon destroys the entire thing. I know specific departments in the market are making custom-made high end Richard Mille tourbillon replicas, but no one is making this RM27-05, perhaps we need to wait for several months more until the real super clone comes out.