Vacheron Constantin is a very famous watch brand, while it seems to be not too popular in our replica watch field, I do not see too many replicas of VC that have been produced in our market, maybe the one most people asked is Vacheron Constantin Overseas, yes, this watch looks good, it meets the aesthetic standards of most people, stainless steel case and bracelet, three-hand dial with date function, also with leather band option, a lot of men are willing to pick up such an automatic watch when they are searching for the first watch in their life.

Replica Vacheron Constantin Overseas were produced by two factories before, they are JJ and 8848. Yes, most people choose JJ version, while like its Hublot Classic Fusion, Vacheron Constantin Overseas from JJ were usually out of stock, now it is still not available, so, this time, the need for replicas of Vacheron Constantin Overseas can be fulfilled from MKS factory.

MKS factory, we also call it MK, it is a great factory, very famous in our watch market, they produced a lot of replica watches, but the most famous replica they made that has been well-known all over the world is their IWC Mark series, wa started to know this factory from this replica watch. This time, the Overseas replica watches made by MKS include four models, which are different in dial color black, gray, white and blue, each model also has three band options, which are stainless steel bracelet, rubber band and leather strap.

I like the black one, men wearing the watch with black dial looks calm and mature, temperament is very important. The case is large, up to 42mm in diameter, while it is only 10mm thick, very comfortable to wear. The brushing finish on case makes the watch looks high quality, the bezel construction looks special, it is also the features makes VC Overseas different from other watches. On the center of case back, it is a sailboat sculpture on sand-finished background.

The dial looks perfect, each hour marker is precisely cut according to the dimension of hour markers on genuine watch, the luminous coating in hour markers and hands is imported and high quality, to ensure the lume light in the dark is strong and long-lasting. Well, I do not see any difficulty which MKS factory can encounter when they make such a perfect replica watch, there is no defect I can find on the dial of this watch.

About the movement, the replica is equipped with a genuine Japanese automatic movement, which is Miyota 9015, it is a very accurate movement and usually has few issues. When you open the case back, behind the metal iron, you can see the movement inside.

So, in conclusion, if you are looking for a top quality replica watch that has a slim case and also last long, then this replica Vacheron Constantin Overseas must be added into your consideration list.